March 19, 2025

Do You Believe in Signs?

This blog post reflects on a serendipitous connection with a fellow artist named Nancy, exploring the idea that some encounters are more than coincidence—and inviting readers to share their own unexplainable moments that speak to the deeper, shared energy of the creative journey.

Last week I received a note from another artist that made me stop in my tracks. She shared that we had a few things in common. Her name was Nancy and her mother was also a talented writer who revealed her gifts to her family late in life. I thought that was so cool, I decided to hop over to Facebook and find out more about her. That’s when I discovered she also had a pet named Java. Her Java is a bird, mine was a pug, but really those two types of critters are so often confused with one another, don’t you agree?

The older I get, or shall I say the more experienced I get, the less I believe in coincidences. I think we encounter people in our lives at times when we need these encounters to happen. Call it signs or letters from angels, I am ever more watchful for these occurrences. Now that I spend so much time teaching groups of (mostly) women, I’ve also begun to notice that every class has a different energy. My role as a teacher sometimes is not just to teach painting, but to channel that energy to positive places. Artists are so driven to create, it’s no wonder our journeys tend to mirror one another.

Do you believe in coincidence, or do you believe in signs? Have you ever had things happen you simply cannot explain? I would love to hear your thoughts, you beautiful, creative soul, you!

Nancy Medina

Nancy is a master signature artist and instructor with thousands of online students from around the world. She has worked with Disney, served on the art faculty of the Dallas Arboretum, and has taught workshops in France, Italy and across the US.